Saturday, December 18, 2010

tone-sensitive facebook sharing

facebook 'recommend' button
I was reading an article on on the state of the asylum seekers when the boat crashed onto Christmas Island. it was a piece of horrible news, and i saw that the familiar facebook 'like' button had been replaced with a 'recommend' button. this is of course much more appropriate given the nature of the news article.
i think more news sites should use the 'recommend' button instead of the 'like' button.
how many times have we read horrible news and wanted to share it on facebook, but it seems so inappropriate to 'like' an article of such nature? for instance recently a gang murder was carried out in the heartlands of Singapore. the last I read, 3000 people 'liked' the article.

Interestingly, this only affects Facebook, because it doesn't shy away from using emotive language.
Twitter for example, favours a more objective 'retweet' button.
But here you can see the power of Facebook compared to other social networks -  and that i think captures the essence of facebook and endears it to us all - a way to be human, online.